Okay, I am going to ask you what may be a morbid question: If you died tomorrow, would you be happy with your single status?
You can answer in a message or in the comments. As for my answer? It’s yes.
I don’t have many regrets. I am a pretty goal-oriented person and got to do everything I’ve wanted. I have an amazing kid and being her parent is so rewarding and fun. I get to write for a living. I took up horseback riding at 50, years after I longed to do it. Now, I’m into birdwatching, which is so fun, interesting, and has me out exploring and working on my photography.
I still have more goals in mind to work on. I would like to do something with my voice, singing that is, although I have found my voice in other ways, including this blog. I would also like to turn this blog into a book or a podcast.
While I had my share of bad relationships and dates, I don’t regret any of them. In fact, I had some fun and learned a lot, mostly about myself, which I think is the point.
So, I don’t regret being single now, although I do have to say I met a man yesterday who definitely made me rethink going on a date again.
Do I regret never being married? No.
Do I regret never having a wedding? Nope.
Anyway, my point is that there are all kinds of ways to have a rich and fulfilling life. I can’t imagine waiting around to find the supposed “one” person to complete who I am.
And maybe this is my midlife self talking, but at this stage, I am only interested in doing things and having people around who have a sense of humour, sense of wonder, sense of adventure, and a sense of peace. Sure, that may be a tall order, but it’s about understanding that time is finite so it’s best to make the most of it.
This lesson I learned from a longtime school classmate and coworker, who died this spring. In May, I wrote about the lessons she taught me and our fellow classmates and colleagues.
Last night, I was thinking how happy I was to discover the British period drama Call the Midwife. I’ve been binging episodes in little doses over the last few weeks. I joked that my life now is writing, riding horses, barn chores, birdwatching, and watching Call the Midwife. If anyone wants to join me, romantic interest or otherwise, I’m all for it.
Otherwise, no regrets if it’s just my single self along for the ride.
As always, thanks for reading,